5th grade - memories

when do we become the older version of ourselves …

1967 …

5th grade

I remember a reel to reel movie about climate change… I remember no details really - but I remember the space I was in when I first realized that humans were impacting the health of the planet… that we were gonna have to turn things around and think bigger picture …

I remember thinking that’s too big … no way… we’re not going there… THAT’S TOO SCARY … t h a t … i s … t o o …. s c a r y … crazy..
and there were soothing things said afterwards.. things that soothed the scary parts..
we were lulled into a sense of complacency… and I remember thinking …

~ oh thank goodness … that was just scary stuff ….

But ‘they’ were taking care of it… i don’t need to do anything about it - ~they’ve got it under control… it’s really not a thing…

I remember thinking this in 5th grade … sitting there -3rd row 2nd from my left.

I remember it because it was scary and I was paying attention. - I remember the space and the light as it came thru the window on my left - thru the blinds - I’m looking at the screen and thinking - that’s scary!

It was too much… way too much for that 10 year old to grasp

5th grade

I had the teacher no one wanted to get … at least not if you were a half-assed lazy, easily distracted prone to day-dreaming kind of kid…

she was scary and there were rumors…

5th grade

she taught for a long time and she had a reputation.

she scared a lot of us … some are still close friends of mine and we share the same ptsd stories …

the dame was scary…

5th grade

the Year I first got a glimmer of what I could do if I worked hard and made the effort … even a half assed effort…

I was so scared of that woman .. you worked hard so she’d be nice

She wasn’t very nice to the ones that could - but wouldn’t.


It was the year I first heard about climate change…

It was my first year of self awareness.

It was the only year I ever gave flowers to my teacher at the end of the year
funny what memories can do

#they #whothefuckisthey #theyisus #teachersthatmatter

Sometimes - we have to have the doubt scared out of us before we see the light.

(The photo was taken in 2009 at sunset after storm off the coast of Harker’s Island, NC and has nothing to do with the post but posts are boring without pretty pictures.)
